Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Calvin goes Mobile

Calvin has really started becoming mobile this week! He army crawls all over the place, and I'm quickly realizing that this is going to require even more of our attention. It is actually quite humorous, because if he is really upset that I set him down somewhere, he cries and crawls all the way over to me. I was doing dishes the other morning and had set him down on the kitchen floor to play, which he wasn't very happy about! So he got on his tummy and proceeded to express his anger and frustration all the way over to my feet where he attempted to pull himself up on my legs! I thought he would enjoy his new found freedom to explore and go where he likes, but intead he uses it to get back to me. "I'm free, I'm free...I'm alone." Along with his ability to crawl, he is also getting more coordinated and confident in his walking abilities. He can now slowly walk along the couch while holding on to it and also is getting brave enough to try and stand only holding on with one hand! He will also move back and forth between chairs and tables while trying to balance himself. He loves it all! If you let him stand or walk he is the happiest baby I've ever seen! It is fun to see him grow and develop these new abilities, but it's hard too. I'm realizing that he is quickly leaving babyhood and becoming a toddler. I'm really nervous to think of what that entails. But so far, we've enjoyed every stage more and more, so I imagine it continues to hold joy beyond what I can imagine! Here are a couple videos of Calvin's new abilities.


  1. Oh my goodness...we've only been gone a couple of days and look at what Calvin is doing!!! He is scootin' along so fast! Go Calvin! We love you!!

  2. Tiffany and Jake, It is one thing to hear how Calvin is mobiling, but a whole nother thing to see him in action! He looks like a little man standing there by the stool, and he army crawls just like Eric did at that age. I can hardly believe he has grown that much. The pics with Grandpa Powell are precious. I don't know if you have stopped to think how different this Thanksgiving is compared to last year when we were at the hospital with Tiffany in Kirksville. Calvin is so worth the struggle, but I am so grateful you had a happy filled Thanksgiving lasst week. love you three, Mom
