As for Calvin and I here at home, life is just one adventure after another! Every cupboard holds new treasures to be looted...and eaten if possible!
We make toys out of all sorts of new and exciting objects...remotes, pool cues, toilet paper, and salad dressing out of the fridge. Pretty much anything except for his actual toys. :) Calvin has a strange preference for the Swiffer duster. If ever I open the doors to our laundry room, where it is kept with all the other cleaning supplies, he makes a mad dash to grab it before I can close him out again. That or the broom, can't get enough of either! I guess he thinks if Mommy thinks they're fun enough to play with, there must be something there to enjoy.

One of Calvin's favorite things is to have one of us read to him. He's not actually in it so much for the story, but loves to help turn the pages.

Calvin always loves having a bath, even if it's in the sink! This was an accident! I had just finished feeding him and was cleaning him off. I filled up the sink to let him kick his feet in a little, he scooted further and further forward until he just slipped in, diaper and all! He had a blast and made a huge mess! But doesn't he make one cute Cupie baby!

All tuckered out from a long day and hardly any naps, he dozed the bathtub! We felt so heartless waking him up, even if it was to put him in bed.

This last week has been beautiful spring weather! We've taken the chance to be outdoors. We've walked to the park and even went hiking out on a new trail behind the conservation center.
This last Sunday, we were over at a friend's house for dinner and Calvin discovered the joy of slides! We've tried to put him on them before and he was never happy about it. Now he loves them! I even took him to the park and would set him at the top of the slide and with a huge grin he'd push off and go flying into my arms.

Our little helper boy! He did this last night while I was making dinner and Jake was studying. At one point, he even climbed into the cupboard and his little bum was barely sticking out! All the while just jabbering away to himself. Too cute!

Here are a few videos from our adventures this past couple months. The first one is an earlier one of him walking (at about 10 months old). The second is of him playing in the sink. And the last two are some fun ones we took this last week. He is growing up too fast! In only two short weeks, he'll turn one! Wow, what a year it has been!
Oh my!!! I'm sooo excited! I've checked the blog every day for the past 2 months....waiting and hoping! Now I've savored every word, picture and video! I even brought Grandpa up to see it all and enjoy it with me! We love you all and can't believe our little Calvin will be 1 yr old in no time!!! Yay Calvin!!!
ReplyDeleteTiffany and Jake, I loved watching your videos and reading your blog. And just between us, on long road trips somehow our babies get unbuckled once and a while and end up on Mom's lap. Drive Safe!!
ReplyDeleteI have just read and enjoyed your wonderfully happy experiences. (Sorry it has taken me so long but life is rushing like crazy right now). I am thrilled to see you, and to see Calvin growing, laughing, splashing, sleeping, sliding, bowling and giggling(and hear you!). He's got to be the best bowling equipment ever. We love you all so much.
ReplyDeleteHe is getting so big. I can't believe it!
ReplyDeleteIt's funny how similar these boys are! We really need to get together soon. Hey, are you going to Kirksville with Jake?